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The 2021 Edition of the Innovation Academy for Women in the Americas (“The Academy”) adapts to the current times and goes virtual with a four-week online educational program for female undergraduate students, who reside in the Americas and are currently enrolled, in a STEM+A* fields of study.

The Academy 2021 edition, the fourth iteration, is a joint collaboration project between The University of New Mexico in the United States, the Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ) in Querétaro, México, and the Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano in Medellin Colombia. The Academy was initially supported by a grant from the 100K Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund Initiative and is now directly sponsored by the partner institutions listed above.

All instruction will be provided in English by UNM, UPSRJ and ITM faculty. The academic program is 50 hours, 30 hours of instruction and 20 hours of independent and team work.



Monday, June 14, 2021 to Wednesday July 9th, 2021


Virtual Seminars and Workshops – Zoom and Google Classrooms Platform


Female undergraduates in good academic standing, who are enrolled in STEM+A fields and who reside in any country within the Americas. The STEM +A fields includes any area of study within the following fields: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or Architecture.


A four-week virtual academic and cultural exchange program, where students will learn how to develop competences, research and innovation skills, in order to solve challenges proposed by the industrial sector, in the fields of Women, Climate Change and Power.



Students that are enrolled in a University in the Americas, and are competitively admitted to the program, will receive a 100% scholarship by:

● University of New Mexico (UNM)

● Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano de Medellín (ITM)

● Universidad Politécnica de Santa Rosa Jáuregui (UPSRJ)


More information: and in the 2021 call 




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